Please note that the auto-translation function (beta) uses the 3rd-party tool to translate contents based on the English version of the website and it may occur incorrect results sometimes.
Real-name authentication is required: Please fill your full name which is exactly the same as on your Identity Document or Passport.
(For PRC Resident Identity Card Holder, please fill your name in Simplified Chinese)
For health and safety reasons, visitors are required to provide a valid Identity Document Number for identity verification according to the Chinese Authorities requirement. If any missing or inaccurate information is provided, the Organizers reserves the right to decline any application and refuse admission to the Fairground of any visitors without further notice.
If there is no Area Code, please enter "0"
For Chinese resident identity card holder, verification code will be sent by SMS message; For non-Chinese resident, verification code will be sent by email.
If you already have Mychinaplas account, then cell phone and email modifications are not available.
Friendly Reminder: To ensure a smooth pre-registration without being spammed and in order to receive the confirmation letter, you are advised to submit your correct email address with a company domain and whitelist our email as well.
If there is no Area Code, please enter "0"
Please select the conference session you want to register for? *
Main Forum Parallel Forum
Total price 0USD .
Kind reminders:
  •  Due to the limited seats, the Sustainable Plastic Packaging Forum will adopt pre-approval system for audience registration. Please be patient and fill in your personal information correctly as we will send confirmation letter to you via email after approval.
  •  Should any dispute arise, the decision of Adsale Exhibition Services Ltd, the Event Organizer, shall be final.



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