AP503 - Buyer from EGYPT One-time request

Product properties & other requirements:

I am Ehab younis  from Egypt my work is packaging research & development and I research felxo printing machie. as I see in your page there is a machine it's speed about  m/m  I need width not  than  one meter  and print paper and film  also I need to know the all specification about the machine kindly also i need to know the price at last could you send more than machine to be have more than chance to choose the suitable machine. at last I wish it's a good starting to successful new job and i looking forward quick replay.

Categories of Product under Sourcing:

Machinery & equipment

Sourcing quantity:

1) machine speed more than  m/m 250 2) we need 6 color machine


packaging research & development

Post on:


 2  supplier(s) requested for matching.
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