Say "Goodbye" to the bulky printed show catalogue
Experience a quick search for 3,900+ exhibitors’ contacts and product information
Cost: RMB 150 / USD 22
- What are the functions?
- Why should I purchase?
- How to purchase?
- How to access the eCatalogue?
- How to redeem with free redemption codes?
- Can I download the eCatalogue?
The main function is to search for exhibitors with product categories and keywords of company name. You can also view the full exhibitor list in a selected hall. Other useful information is also included in the eCatalogue, e.g. fringe events, show information etc.
The contact details of 3,900+ exhibitors are at buyers’ fingertips, saving your time and efforts. Also, eCatalogue has no expiry date, where you can access anytime and anywhere.
You can purchase through e-payment channels including Wechat, Alipay, Visa or Paypal here (All fees paid are non-refundable):
After purchase, you can access the eCatalogue page on mobile or desktop devices having networks:
For redemption code users, please go through the registration step with mobile no. or email, and input the redemption code in the payment field.
This is a website link and cannot be downloaded. However, you can leverage the search function to locate the exhibitors quickly.