CPS+ 在線供需對接平台 | B2B sourcing platform | E-Market Place | EMP | 塑橡供應商配對平台 CPS+ 在線供需對接平台 | B2B sourcing platform | E-Market Place | EMP | 塑橡供應商配對平台
Say "Goodbye" to the bulky printed show catalogue
Experience a quick search for 3,900+ exhibitors’ contacts and product information

Cost: RMB 150 / USD 22


  1. What are the functions?
  2. The main function is to search for exhibitors with product categories and keywords of company name. You can also view the full exhibitor list in a selected hall. Other useful information is also included in the eCatalogue, e.g. fringe events, show information etc.

  3. Why should I purchase?
  4. The contact details of 3,900+ exhibitors are at buyers’ fingertips, saving your time and efforts. Also, eCatalogue has no expiry date, where you can access anytime and anywhere.

  5. How to purchase?
  6. You can purchase through e-payment channels including Wechat, Alipay, Visa or Paypal here (All fees paid are non-refundable): https://ecatalogue23.chinaplasonline.com/?type=registration&lang=en

  7. How to access the eCatalogue?
  8. After purchase, you can access the eCatalogue page on mobile or desktop devices having networks:https://ecatalogue23.chinaplasonline.com/?lang=en

  9. How to redeem with free redemption codes?
  10. For redemption code users, please go through the registration step with mobile no. or email, and input the redemption code in the payment field.

  11. Can I download the eCatalogue?
  12. This is a website link and cannot be downloaded. However, you can leverage the search function to locate the exhibitors quickly.

For other enquiries, feel free to contact:

   Ms Cherry Cheung

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